Sunday, 18 March 2007

Exsertus exchange

Do you know where Im going? Im going to a place that may be lonely and apart. I would like to take you with me. Will you be with me when Im there? Will you think sometimes of me in the space where I am going. I will need you. I will keep you in my mind. I am going to start not speaking. I will be thinking of you.I will miss you. I will miss my friends and my fellows. You will be missed. Will you miss me. You may miss me.


Anonymous said...

i will miss you

Anonymous said...

Dear Carol,
a minute ago it was dark ouside and snowing and suddenly from one minute to the other the sun came out again and snow is rain and sun is breaking its light in the raindrops, you may have not seen it as you are inside your space. Falling raindrops reminds me of my mother as she told me that as a child I loved to go outside when it rains and was happiest in the rain. When we met last time I had just taken my mother to the airport and came to see you staright away. You kind of softened the good-bye sadness and I was happy we have arranged to meet. Meet and Miss have both four letters.

Anonymous said...

hello carol,

it was ice cold outside today, there was snow, I was standing in the wind, thought about you there.
was standing on a football pitch.
Love , Max P.