Monday 19 March 2007

exsertus exchange

Today it was so cold here. I found a small dead bluetit on the pavement and imagined that it had been knocked over by the big freeze. I took it under my wing and tried to warm it up but it stared at me with its tiny eyes and pierced my heart. I feel like a small vulnerable bird. I paced the floor trying to keep warm imaging how it must be for birds who are over in the cold north east trying to keep warm like me.
Thank you for your messages - you make me feel connected.


Anonymous said...

I saw your this blog only now. I did not realise that one has to check every day.
You are a wonderful person! Who else would take a little dead bird under her wings? I wish there were more people like you. I am very lucky to know you. But what have you done for me lately (now you know who I am)?

Anonymous said...

I miss you, I will think of you when you go

Anonymous said...

I am off to bed now and wander where you will sleep , on the floor in that space? I have been told wherever you show your artwork you must spend one night there in the exhibition space or at least near by. Good night and I try to remember my dream and maybe I can post it to you tomorrow and maybe you can dream it and make a change to it or find another setting for it. The dream may change in a differnt space if it is dreamed in your space and in your body.
Lucy Klein
Lucy Klein