Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Exsertus exchange

Today I was thinking of spring nettles. Its time to get out there and reap an early harvest of bright, green nettles. Renowned as a health-boosting spring food, they provide an injection of energy after the winter and are one of my favourite wild foods. I highly recommend nettle gnocchi, served with lashings of grated cheese, as a fantastic way to celebrate your haul.If, on the other hand, you're in the mood for something more simple, you can't beat a good nettle soup. Use fish stock as a base. It will make the soup tasty robust (not fishy) Wash, blanch, drain and chop them and use them as you would spring greens.While your'e foraging, dont forget primroses, good in a cheese sandwich, or some of the fungi like St. George's mushrooms, perhaps,if your'e lucky, dark crinkly morels. Marsh samphire, shellfish, and seabeet can also be found on the seashore. Get out there. I wish I could.
I wish you all well. Im well, Im tired, Im getting tired, Im sad, Im feeling a little bit sad. Its only sadness.

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