Sunday 22 June 2008

25 Stratford grove

Yesterday we had the opening of 25 Stratford Grove, the house I bought a year ago, with an attic that has been developed for artists to use as performance space.

Even though the weather was disgusting, wind, rain and dark clouds, a few brave people turned out to celebrate with us.

The documentation of our performances, solo and collaborative, made in Istanbul in March, were in the front room and attic.

I dressed up in full burkha and sat, silently, in the spaces. Later, when i had removed it we talked about how it was both for me and the audience. It inspired some very interesting discussions about gaze, visibility and presence. it might inspire further work along similar lines.

So, all in all, a good day. Too much wine for me and too many turkish cakes. But thanks to everybody who turned up and made it possible.

Next weekend is Katherine Penrice's performance.

See you here.

Nurse Luby

Sunday 8 July 2007

25 stratford grove

Hey folks, long time no talk.

Has summer finally arrived? Tonight I took the dog out for a last pee and could smell the freshness and the aroma of the evening. Sunset was amazing. If I was a watercolorist I would have painted it.

But im not. Im a performance artist. Maybe. Im a bit doubtful about that. By end July I must have come up with something to perform for the ZAZ (hebrew for moving) in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and the Negev desert in August and dont really have much in my head.
Wish I was Beryl Cook and then I wouldnt need any ideas. Could just paint the local tarts.

Went to Hexham on the train today for a walk along the river with the dog. They (?) have turned it into a kiddies corner, play ground for girls dressed in pink riding their pink bicycles. At the far end there is the golf course. Nowhere in sight to get down to the river and just, well, play.

Im becoming aware of my need to find a space with no-one else in it and a place where I can be just unhinged.

Until next time,

Nurse Luby.

Saturday 30 June 2007

25 stratford grove

Today was Mat Cowan's performance at the Harker Building, sadly I missed it but caught the tail end. He looked very dapper in his tweed coat and white trousers with bells underneath his knees. I wondered where his horse went as he reminded me of a jouster.

It is horrible today. Somebody said that in 1978 it rained in June, July and August. i think i will top myself if it goes on much longer.
The garden is sodden, the roses are drooping and the only things happy are the snails and slugs.

ive been thinking a lot about my house. Ben gave me some good ideas about the kitchen. He reminded me of tiling behind sinks and work surfaces. Id overlooked that.
Speak to you soon,
Nurse Luby.

Wednesday 13 June 2007

Carole Luby at exertusexchange: first performance at 25 stratford grove 18/06/07

Carole Luby at exertusexchange: first performance at 25 stratford grove 18/06/07

first performance at 25 stratford grove 18/06/07

Here is the picture.

25 stratford grove

Im feeling better. Im feeling better about being here now. There is some residual anxieties about what Im taking on. And I ever so slightly recoil at what seems to be a large project. Like, am I up for it.
But Ive been encouraged by the fact that there is a performance about to take place here, the first, which is very exciting as the energy created will make the house happy to have something creative happening.
And there was a visit from .ben from amino and his mates whose names Ive forgotten already but it was good because they gave me some helpful advice about documentation and not taking things too much of a rush. Let the situation develop as some writer wrote.I cant remember his name either.
Oh well, it must be something to do with old age. And on age,funny how the juices flow more freely the older i get.
Dont get too excited.
Nurse Luby.